Case Managers are responsible for referrals and resources which include but are not limited to legal, educational, vocational rehabilitation, employment and future residency locations.

Case Management

Co-Dependency Therapy
A group that allows the loved one’s of an addicted individual to experience an understanding of the emotional and behavioral conditions. Family Therapy can be included in this process.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is specific therapy to address present emotions and offers a therapeutic resolution. Staff assist with disclosure of feelings of opposition.

Co-Occurring Therapy
Co-occurring disorders are to be expected in all behavioral health settings and we provide services that emphasizes continuity and quality that is in the best interest of the client.

Didactic Behavioral Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a specific type of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Staff facilitates lectures to help with behavioral changes.

Family Therapy
Clients can make an appointment with their therapist to bring in family members to educate them on the disease of addiction and how to support the suffering client.

Gender Specific
Qualified therapist work with males who identify as another gender to achieve self acceptance and to overcome barriers and stigmas associated with their decision.

Group Therapy
This process is where clients realize they are not alone and others have suffered the same experiences. The sessions allow clients to explore tools and techniques in a safe environment that can assist them in their recovery process.

Individual Therapy
Individual therapy begins the healing process for behavioral changes. This setting is conducive to disclosure of underlying shame, guilt, anger and stress in a private, confidential setting.

Peer Group
Groups that allow the clients to select their topic and process within an alliance of peers.

Trauma Counseling
Clients will learn to identify their traumatic experience and have an opportunity to process the unaddressed emotionally harmful experiences.